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Jamil Bou Kheir


January 2024 Product Update

This is the first post of our new product newsletter aimed at providing regular updates on the Firezone product. We'll use these posts going forward to announce new features, major updates to existing features, and any other product-related news.

Happy new year from the Firezone team!

After a long year of building, we're incredibly excited to announce 1.0 beta testing for Apple and Android platforms. Firezone 1.0 is an entirely new product with a brand new architecture that includes many of the features you've been asking for. To summarize just a few:

  • Native clients for every major platform (macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, Windows) that authenticate against your configured identity provider
  • Automatic firewall hole punching with intelligent routing that ensures connections always pick the shortest path between Clients and Gateways
  • Highly available Gateways with support for automatic load balancing and failover
  • Group-based, granular access policies for managing access to IPs, CIDR ranges, and even DNS-based resources like
  • Automatic user/group sync (Google Workspace currently supported)

Our commitment to transparency remains the same: Firezone is still (and always will be) a 100% open-source product. Anyone can audit the codebase and verify that the product works the way we claim it does.

Firezone 1.0 beta testing on Apple and Android

If you're on a recent Apple or Android device, you're in luck! These platforms are available for beta testing today. Apply for the closed beta here, and we'll be in touch. We're currently prioritizing teams and businesses at this time, but plan to roll out invites to individuals and homelabbers along with Windows and Linux betas over the next few weeks.

To beta test 1.0, you'll need one of the following:

  • Apple silicon or Intel Mac running macOS 12 or later
  • iPhone or iPad running iOS/iPadOS 15 or later
  • Android phone, tablet, or ChromeOS device running Android 8 or later

If you qualify for beta testing, we'll add you to a dedicated Slack channel for feedback and support and provide further instructions for downloading clients and accessing your account there.

Beta testers can enjoy unlimited usage of the product during the beta testing period, after which point they'll need to switch to an appropriate plan to continue using Firezone. We expect the beta period to end sometime towards the end of Q1 2024. As a thank you for being an early tester and providing product feedback, beta testers will receive a discount that will be applied when the beta period ends, and 1.0 enters general availability.

Firezone 0.7 is now EOL

Firezone 0.7 is now called "Firezone Legacy" and has reached end-of-life. Existing Firezone Legacy instances will continue to function as before, but we won't be issuing any further updates to Firezone legacy after January 31st, 2024.

Firezone Legacy will continue to live on indefinitely in the legacy branch of our main repository. We won't be supporting it past January 31st, but it's Apache 2.0 licensed, so you're free to fork it, modify it, and continue to use it how you see fit.

Documentation for Firezone Legacy will continue to live at

Go here to sign up for 1.0 beta testing, and we'll see you in Slack!

That's all for now.

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